Přehled vytištěných článků

Massonnet, Feigl: Radar Interferometry and Its Application to Changes in the Earth's surface [massonnet98]

Bamler, Schättler:SAR Data Acquisition and Image Formation [bamler93a]

Tarayre, Massonnet: Atmospheric propagation heterogeneities revealed by ERS-1 interferometry [tarayre96]

Gabriel, Goldstein, Zebker: Mapping Small Elevation Changes Over Large Areas: Differential Radar Interferometry [gabriel89]

Li, Goldstein: Studies of Multi-baseline Spaceborne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar [li87]

Hanssen, Weckwerth, Zebker, Klees: High-Resolution Water Vapor Mapping from Interferometric Radar Measurements [hanssen99 ]

Raney: An exact wide field digital imaging algorithm [xraney92]

Chen, Zebker: Two-dimensional phase unwrapping with use of statistical models for cost functions in nonlinear optimization [chen00a]

Chen, Zebker: Phase Unwrapping for Large SAR Interferograms: Statistical Segmentation and Generalized Network Models [chen02]

Chen, Zebker: Network Approaches to two-dimensional phase unwrapping: intractability and two new algorithms [chen00]

Wegmuller: Automated terrain corrected SAR geocoding [xwebmuller99]

Crosetto: Calibration and validation of SAR interferometry [xcrosetto02]

Karathanassi, Iossifidis: A SAR geocoding method for evaluation geodetic coordinates and improving indirect geocoding accuracy [xkarathanassi02]

Sansosti: A Simple and Exact Solution for the Interferometric and Stereo SAR Geolocation Problem [xsansosti04]

Rabus, Eineder, Roth, Bamler: The shuttle radar topography mission - a new class of digital elevation models acquired by spaceborne radar [rabus03]

Nico, Refice, Guerriero, Veneziani: A new algorithm for interferometric DEM geocoding [xnico97]

Massonnet, Rossi, Carmona et al: The displacement field of the Landers earthquake mapped by radar interferometry [massonnet93a]

Wiley: Pulsed Doppler Radar Methods and Aparatus [wiley65]

Hellwich, Ebner: Geocoding SAR interferograms by least squares adjustment [xhellwich00]

Small, Nuesch: Validation of Height Models from ERS Interferometry [xsmall96]

Zebker, Rosen, Goldstein, Gabriel, Werner: On the derivation of coseismic displacement fields using differential radar interferometry: the Landers earthquake [zebker94c],[zebker94d]

Massonnet, Adragna, Rossi: CNES General-Purpose SAR Correlator [massonnet94e]

Prati, Rocca, Kost, Damonti: Blind Deconvolution for Doppler Centroid Estimation in High Frequency SAR [prati91 ?]

Tarayre, Massonnet: Effects of a Refractive Atmosphere on Interferometric Processing [tarayre94]

Davidson, Bamler: Multiresolution Phase Unwrapping for SAR Interferometry [davidson99]

Small, Werner, Nuesch: Baseline Modelling for ERS-1 SAR Interferometry [small93]

Crosetto, Crippa, Barzaghi: Quantitative subsidence monitoring using SAR interferometry [crosetto02]

Jehle, Frey, Small, Meier, Nuesch: Improved knowledge of SAR geometry through atmospheric modelling [xjehle]

Small, Meier, Nuesch: Phase noise countermeasures for synthetic interferogram generation [xsmall02]

Hanssen, Kampes: On the treatment of radar interferometry in terms of geodetic adjustment and testing theory [hanssen00b]

Arnaud, Adam, Hanssen, Inglada, Duro, Closa, Eineder: ASAR ERS Interferometric Phase Continuity [arnaud03]

Usai: The use of man-made features for long time scale InSAR [usai97a]

Hanssen, Feijt: A first quantitative evaluation of atmospheric effects on SAR interferometry [hanssen96a]

Hanssen, Klees: Development of a stochastic model for repeat-pass SAR interferometry [hanssen99j]

Hanssen, Usai: Interferometric phase analysis for monitoring slow deformation processes [hanssen97b]

Scharroo, Visser: ERS Tandem Mission orbits: is 5 cm still a challenge? [ xscharroo ]

Closa: The Influence of Orbit Precision in the Quality of ERS SAR Interferometric Data [closa98]

Hanssen, Zebker, Klees, Barlag: On the use of meteorological observations in SAR interferometry [hanssen98b]

Hanssen: An improved stochastic model for multi-pass radar interferometry [hanssen99c]

Kampes, Hanssen, Swart: Strategies for non-linear deformation estimation from interferometric stacks [kampes01]

Moisseev, Hanssen, Sabater: Towards an atmosphere free interferogram [moisseev03a]

Berardino, Fomaro, Lanari, Sansosti: A new algorithm for surface deformation monitoring based on small baseline differential SAR interferograms [berardino02]

Leva, Nico, Tarchi, Guash, Sieber: Temporal analysis of a landslide by means of a ground-based SAR interferometer [xleva03]

Strozzi, Wegmuller, Werner, Wiesmann, Spreckels: JERS SAR interferometry for land subsidence monitoring [strozzi03]

Crosetto, Crippa, Barzaghi: Quantitative subsidence monitoring using SAR interferometry [crosetto02]

Arturi, Del Frate, Lategano, Schiavon, Stramondo: The 1998 Sarno (Italy) landslide from SAR interferometry [xarturi04]

Huanyin, Hanssen, Kianicka, Marinkovic, Leijen, Ketelaar: Sensitivity of topography on InSAR data coregistration [yue04]

Jarosz, Wanke: Use of InSAR for Monitoring of Mining Deformations [xjarosz04]

Kampes, Hanssen, Perski: Radar interferometry with public domain tools [kampes03b]

Froger, Fukushima, Briole, Staudacher, Souriot, Villeneuve, Cheminee: ASAR Interferometry at Piton de la Fournaise preliminary results [xfroger04]

Eineder: Problems and Solutions for InSAR digital elevation model generation of mountainous terrain [xeineder04]

Ge, Chang, Trinder, Rizos: Integrated radar interferometry for ground subsidence monitoring [xge04]

Hanssen, Usai: Interferometric Phase Analysis for monitoring Slow deformation processes [hanssen97b]

Moisseev, Hanssen, Sabater: Towards an atmosphere free interferogram; first comparison between ENVISAT's ASAR and MERIS water vapor observations [moisseev03a]

Gabriel, Goldstein: Crossed orbit interferometry: theory and experimental results from SIR-B [gabriel88]

Colesanti, De Zan, Ferretti, Prati, Rocca: Generation of DEM with sub-metric vertical accuracy from 30' ERS-ENVISAT pairs [prati03]

Hanssen, Bamler: Evaluation of Interpolation Kernels for SAR Interferometry [hanssen99b]

Wegmuller, Strozzi, Farr, Werner: Arid Land Surface Characterization with Repeat-Pass SAR Interferometry [wegmuller98]

Hanssen: Stochastic modeling of time series radar interferometry [hanssen04b]

Lanari, Fornaro, Riccio, Migliaccio, Papathanassiou, Moreira, Schwabisch, Dutra, Puglisi, Franceschetti, Cltelli: Generation of Digital Elevation Models by Using SIR-C/X-SAR Multifrequency Two-Pass Interferometry: The Etna Case Study [lanari96]

Lindenbergh, Hanssen: Eolian deformation detection and modeling using airborne laser altimetry [lindenbergh03]

Leijen, Hanssen: Deformation monitoring using radar interferometric time series: a review of methodoligies [leijen04a]

Ferretti, Prati, Rocca: Permanent Scatterers in SAR Interferometry (oba) [ferretti99b], [ferretti01]

Ferretti, Prati, Rocca: Nonlinear Subsidence Rate Estimation Using Permanent Scatterers in Differential SAR Interferometry [ferretti00a]

Madsen: Estimating The Doppler Centroid of SAR Data [madsen89]

Lanari, Mora, Manunta, Mallorqui, Berardino, Sansosti: A Small-Baseline Approach for Investigating Deformations on Full-Resolution Differential {SAR} Interferograms ?? [lanari04]

Ferretti, Ferrucci, Prati, Rocca: SAR Analysis of Building Collapse by means of the Permanent Scatterers Technique [ferretti00c]

Colesanti, Locatelli, Novali: Ground Deformation Monitoring Exploiting SAR Permanent Scatterers [colesanti02]

Adam, Kampes, Eineder, Worawattanamateekul, Kircher: The development of a scientific permanent scatterer system [adam03]

Colesanti, Ferretti, Prati, Rocca: Monitoring landslides and tectonic motions with the Permanent Scatterers Technique [colesanti03a]

Delacourt, Allemand, Squarzoni, Picard, Raucoules, Carnec: Potential and limitation of ERS-Differential SAR Interferometry for landslide studies in the French Alps and Pyrenees [xdelacourt04]

Kianicka: Estimation of the influence of DEM on InSAR coregistration [xkianicka04]

Gatelli, Guarnieri, Parizzi, Pasquali, Prati, Rocca: The wavenumber shift in SAR interferometry [gatelli94]

Mora, Mallorqui, Broquetas: Linear and nonlinear terrain deformation maps from a reduced set of interferometric SAR images [mora03]

Carrasco, Alonso, Broquetas: Accuracy assessment of SAR interferometry using the ERS-1 [carrasco95]

Fornaro, Franceschetti: Image registration in interferometric SAR processing [fornaro95a]

Homer, Buddis, Longstaff, Lovel: Image Registration for Interferometric SAR via substraction image methods [xhomer95]

Mensink, Ridder: Satellite-based estimation of atmospheric stability parameters in urban and remote areas [xmensink00]

Yanjie, Prinet:InSAR coherence estimation [xyanjie04]

Usai:A least squares database approach for SAR interferometric data [usai03]

Zebker, Werner, Rosen, Hensley: Accuracy of topographic maps derived from ERS-1 interferometric radar [zebker94a]

Prati, Rocca: Limits to the resolution of elevation maps from stereo SAR images [prati90b]

Homer, Buddis, Longstaff, Lovell: Image registration for interferometric SAR via subtraction image methods [xhomer]

Hanssen: An improved stochastic model for multi-pass radar interferometry [hanssen99c]

Scheiber, Moreira: Coregistration of interferometric SAR images using spectral diversity [scheiber00]

Sandwell: SAR image formation; ERS SAR processor coded in MATLAB [xsandwell02]

Bamler, Hartl: Synthetic aperture radar interferometry [bamler98]

Feigl, Gasperi, Sigmundsson, Rigo: Crustal deformation near Hengill volcano, Iceland 1993-1998: Coupling between magamtic activity and faulting inferred from elastic modeling of satellite radar interferograms [xfeigl00]

Touzi, Lopes, Bruniquel, Vachon: Coherence estimation in SAR imagery [touzi98

Foster, Guinzy: The coefficient of coherence: its estimation and use in geophysical data processing [foster67]

Neumann, Reigberg, Guillaso, Jäger, Hellwich: POLInSAR data processing with RAT (radar tools) [xneumann]

Cafforio, Guccion, Guarnieri: Doppler centroid estimation for ScanSAR data [cafforio03]

Graham: Synthetic interferometer radar for topographic mapping [graham74]

Kampes, Hanssen: Ambiguity resolution for Permanent Scatterers Interferometry [kampes04]

Xu, Massonnet: Comments on "Reduction of the need for phase unwrapping in radar interferometry [xu97]

Massonnet: Reduction of the need for phase unwrapping in radar interferometry [massonnet96b]

Touzi, Lopes, Vachon: Estimation of the coherence function for interferometric SAR applications [kampes04]

Costantini, Malvarosa, Minati, Pietranera, Giammarioli, Jahjah: A space-time analysis technique for monitoring terrain displacements from SAR differential interferometric measurements [xcostantini01]

Costantini, Malvarosa, Minati, Pietranera, Milillo: A three-dimensional phase unwrapping algorithm for processing of multitemporal SAR interferometric measurements [costantini02]

Goldstein, Werner: Radar interferogram filtering for geophysical applications [goldstein98]

Werner, Wegmuller, Strozzi: Processing strategies for phase unwrapping for InSAR applications [xwerner02]

Costantini: A novel phase unwrapping method based on network programming [costantini98]

Aktualizace 6. 02. 2021, ivca@insar.cz